Portrait of Inge-Lise Grue

Inge-Lise Grue

Born: Wed, Mar 10 1920
Birthplace: Denmark

Death: Tue, Mar 21 2000
Inge-Lise Grue is 80 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Always Trouble
Always Trouble
Inge-Lise Grue was
35 in Always Trouble
as 'Fru Carlsen'.
Sun, Oct 30 1955
Poster of Rekrut 67 Petersen
Rekrut 67 Petersen
Inge-Lise Grue was
32 in Rekrut 67 Petersen
as 'Ekspeditrice'.
Thu, Aug 07 1952
Poster of John and Irene
John and Irene
Inge-Lise Grue was
29 in John and Irene
as 'Carlsen's veninde'.
Mon, Aug 29 1949
Poster of Hatten er sat
Hatten er sat
Inge-Lise Grue was
27 in Hatten er sat
Mon, Dec 15 1947

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages