Portrait of Gaston Rullier

Gaston Rullier

Born: Fri, May 19 1882
Birthplace: Libourne, Gironde, France

Death: Mon, Oct 16 1972
Gaston Rullier is 90 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Une fille dans le soleil
Une fille dans le soleil
Gaston Rullier was
70 in Une fille dans le soleil
as 'Vicar'.
Wed, Jan 14 1953
Poster of Pluck the Hen
Pluck the Hen
Gaston Rullier was
65 in Pluck the Hen
Wed, May 28 1947
Poster of Cyrano de Bergerac
Cyrano de Bergerac
Gaston Rullier was
64 in Cyrano de Bergerac
as 'Carbon de Castel-Jaloux'.
Thu, Aug 29 1946
Poster of Vie privée
Vie privée
Gaston Rullier was
60 in Vie privée
as 'Albert'.
Fri, May 29 1942
Poster of L'intrigante
Gaston Rullier was
58 in L'intrigante
as ', Gabriel Trochès'.
Thu, Aug 29 1940
Poster of The Mill in the Sun
The Mill in the Sun
Gaston Rullier was
56 in The Mill in the Sun
Wed, Mar 29 1939

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages