Portrait of Gérard Bouchard

Gérard Bouchard

Born: Sun, Dec 26 1943
Gérard Bouchard is 81 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Bataille pour l'âme du Québec
Bataille pour l'âme du Québec
Gérard Bouchard was
78 in Bataille pour l'âme du Québec
as 'self'.
Wed, Sep 21 2022
Poster of Le commun des mortels
Le commun des mortels
Gérard Bouchard was
73 in Le commun des mortels
as 'Himself'.
Fri, May 12 2017
Poster of Traitor or Patriot
Traitor or Patriot
Gérard Bouchard was
56 in Traitor or Patriot
Sat, Jan 01 2000

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

Sorted by Release Date
Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages
Poster of Deux hommes en or
Deux hommes en or
Gérard Bouchard was
69+ in Deux hommes en or
as 'Self'.
First Air Date
Fri, Sep 13 2013