Portrait of Endel Ani

Endel Ani

Bio: Endel Ani (May 31, 1925 Laatre Vald Valgamaa - December 15, 1985 Tartu) was an Estonian opera singer (tenor). From 1944, he worked in the Vanemuise Opera Choir, later as an opera and operetta soloist
Born: Sun, May 31 1925
Death: Sun, Dec 15 1985
Endel Ani is 60 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Summer
Endel Ani was
50 in Summer
as 'Parish Clerk'.
Mon, May 10 1976
Poster of Little Requiem for Harmonica
Little Requiem for Harmonica
Endel Ani was
47 in Little Requiem for Harmonica
Mon, Oct 23 1972
Poster of Spring
Endel Ani was
44 in Spring
as 'Parish Clerk'.
Mon, Jan 05 1970

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages