Portrait of Charlie Buhler

Charlie Buhler

Bio: Strongly influenced by her upbringing as a bi-racial woman growing up in a predominantly white area in rural South Dakota, Charlie Buhler uses her work to make sense of the dichotomy between how she experienced the world and how the world experienced her through the lenses of race and gender. Her thematic explorations of identity and representation become strikingly clear in her narrative films as well as her documentary and photography work
Born: Fri, Dec 25 1987
Birthplace: Minot, North Dakota, USA
Charlie Buhler is 37 years old
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Poster of Confessions of a Teenage Jesus Jerk
Confessions of a Teenage Jesus Jerk
Charlie Buhler was 29 in Confessions of a Teenage Jesus Jerk as 'Jasmine'.
Movie Released: Wed, May 10 2017

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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