Portrait of Alessandro Piva

Alessandro Piva

Bio: ​Alessandro Piva, born in Salerno in 1966, is a photographer, film editor, and screenwriter, having explored the film business all-round. After studying Film Editing at the "Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia", the National Film School, he won the Solinas Award for Best Screenplay in 1992 and 1993, and shot several documentary films in Italy, Africa, South America, South-East Asia, and the Middle-East
Born: Fri, Apr 08 1966
Birthplace: Salerno
Alessandro Piva is 58 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Il caricatore
Il caricatore
Alessandro Piva was
30 in Il caricatore
Thu, Apr 18 1996
Poster of Gli occhi stanchi
Gli occhi stanchi
Alessandro Piva was
28 in Gli occhi stanchi
Mon, Feb 06 1995
Poster of Tascheninhalt und Nasenbluten
Tascheninhalt und Nasenbluten
Alessandro Piva was
28 in Tascheninhalt und Nasenbluten
Sun, Jan 01 1995

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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