Portrait of Airi Mita

Airi Mita

Born: Thu, Oct 26 1978
Airi Mita is 46 years old
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Movies (Acting Roles)

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Poster of Shape of Happiness
Shape of Happiness
Airi Mita was
34 in Shape of Happiness
Sun, Aug 25 2013
Poster of Jingi 31: Boryokudan Re-armed
Jingi 31: Boryokudan Re-armed
Airi Mita was
23 in Jingi 31: Boryokudan Re-armed
Sat, Jun 15 2002
Poster of Jingi 30: In-law Cemetery
Jingi 30: In-law Cemetery
Airi Mita was
23 in Jingi 30: In-law Cemetery
Fri, Mar 15 2002
Poster of Jingi 29: Gokudo Corpse Robbery
Jingi 29: Gokudo Corpse Robbery
Airi Mita was
22 in Jingi 29: Gokudo Corpse Robbery
Sat, Sep 15 2001
Poster of When I Look Upon the Stars
When I Look Upon the Stars
Airi Mita was
20 in When I Look Upon the Stars
as 'Nana, '.
Sat, Jan 09 1999

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

Sorted by Release Date
Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages
Poster of Star Bows
Star Bows
Airi Mita was
22+ in Star Bows
as 'Leona'.
First Air Date
Thu, Dec 07 2000