Portrait of Ángel Hurtado

Ángel Hurtado

Bio: Ángel Hurtado (El Tocuyo, Venezuela, October 27, 1927), is a Venezuelan visual artist and filmmaker, known both for his pictorial work and for his documentary film work on Latin American visual artists such as Jesús Soto, Cruz-Diez, Alejandro Otero, José Luis Cuevas, Héctor Poleo, Joaquín Torres García, José Antonio Velásquez, among others.
Born: Thu, Oct 27 1927
Birthplace: El Tocuyo, Venezuela
Ángel Hurtado is 97 years old
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Poster of Al fin solo
Al fin solo
Ángel Hurtado was 32 in Al fin solo
Movie Released: Fri, Jan 01 1960

TV Shows (Acting Roles)

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